The relief on the wall of the chapel was a reminder of the beginning of this life together. Saturday was Community Day at LTI. The morning was filled with ice breakers and introductions. Students who had not been around much during the previous week were showing up and renewing their relationships. Bishop Dube was on campus on Sunday to visit his son-in-law Rev. Kenneth Mtata. I made the effort to let him know that though I teach at LTSP, I'm also a member of Upstate New York Synod, his companion synod. With rain the afternoon sports events were cancelled, but the afternoon ended with a Bible study and then the brai, that’s South African for barbeque.
Sunday was bright and clear and the walk to the Presbyterian church was quick and easy. The surprise was that the table was set for communion again. Again there was a mixture a of praise hymns and African chorals, with a strong teaching sermon. I did ask about the sacramental element of their worship and the pastor’s wife noted that the elders decided to continue after Easter Sunday last year after much discussion. They like a lot of Lutherans were concerned about it becoming no longer ‘special’. I asked how they were able to be so diverse, and she noted that the Scottsville congregation is still somewhat unique in Presbyterian circles.
A full house for the opening worship was a unique way to be introduced to the entire seminary community. [pictures to follow]. The President was thankful for the sermon, as he was the installer for the new student government, and the presider for communion. All ended in time for the sports fanatics to eat dinner and watch the Nations Cup, an African continent ‘world series’ of FIFA football. Tomorrow their lectures start and so does my work…. God give me grace and the words to communicate your word and work. THIS YEAR'S STUDENT COUNCIL
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