Thursday, June 19, 2008

6/12/2008 – Thursday

Practicing the liturgy and addressing the questions took the morning, when we weren’t watching the monkeys entertain us. After lunch we met another missionary couple. Rob and Eshinee Viegt from Washington State are in Botswana as Lutheran Bible Translators. Rob was addressing the pastors on Music in the Bible. His specialty is the use of media to preserve and contain the Biblical translations in oral form as many languages with a small group of speakers may never increase in the size of the readers of the language, but they may continue to speak a language without its being written.

My presentation followed the Bishop’s deputy who faced many of the serious questions about the survival and thriving of pastors in difficult settings. The discussion was animated and had input from a wide variety of the participants. ELCB is a small church which is struggling to find its mission as well as seek opportunities for growth.

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