Thursday, June 19, 2008

6/13/2008 – Friday

Dawn got a second chance to do Godly Play with the pastors. The first time was at the end of the first day, when my voice was on the way out, but the Creation Story fit well with the Biblical themes in Biblical Stewardship. This second time was just to tell the core story of the Good Shepherd. With lively interchange the first time, this time the group was extremely reflective, but very attentive. She receive good conversations over several evenings.

Then it was off to a game preserve across the main road. Dawn got to see her first giraffe’s in the wild. There were the usual assortment of venison, with and without horns, including a heartebeast. Wildebeast, warthog, elephant and some serious birds filled most of the remainder of the morning, but then we went in search of …”The Cheetah”…. The question was who was stalking whom. Petted and licked Dawn walked away with her hand still in tact. See pictures. I may be able to put the movie of the purring kitty on as well.

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