Friday, February 8, 2008

2/6/2008 Wednesday

[This is the view of downtown PMB from the middle of the figure eight of the campus.]

A Wednesday for ashes – I don’t know why I felt particularly penitent today, but I needed to be in church. There was nothing scheduled for campus as students were still returning and registering. LTI Orientation is the coming Saturday. So off to the Presbyterian church where they talked about Ash Wednesday during the sermon, but they only had a 7 am Bible Study and Prayer session. It’s hot, really hot. This week Pietermaritsburg is hosting the Intaka Tech World’s View Cycling Challenge, 99 cyclists from around the world in training in a warm climate during the middle of winter. It’s hot enough to have the tires stick to the tar. It was fun to see Team Rwanda.

Planning the teaching schedule with Prof. Buffela for the Introduction to CPE. There are only a couple of truly CPE sites in SAfrica, but there is desire to have the final year ministerial students exposed to pastoral care in a clinical setting, though it is not as rigorous as a unit of CPE. The Dean stopped in to get me an ID and access to the LAN. The computer access may appear tomorrow, but the queue for the ID’s was extraordinary, maybe tomorrow, with special dispensation.

After lunch I was truly tired, having been awake at 1 am here to listen to All Things Considered at the closing of the east coast polls. I plowed on working on the sermon, as it has to be done by Friday so I can copy it on the ‘universal printer’ before the library closes. Lo, and behold, the last two student council presidents are in the midst of setting up an Ash Wednesday service, complete with ashes. Suddenly I’m not so tired and it’s the first time I’ve seem a lot of the community gathered, though there was a stark absence of white students. God and I have a couple of questions about this portion of wilderness in which we find ourselves for the next 40 days. Peace, rest calls, as does sleep…..

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